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Viewing Your Proflie

Tap the Profile button in bottom navigation

To view what your other people can can see, tap ‘View Public Profile’

View Your NPI Number

Tap ‘NPI Number’ to view the NPI number you have attached to your account. This info cannot be changed.

Edit Your Personal Info

Step 1: Tap "Personal Info"

Step 2: Tap the information you wish to change. (Note: you cannot change any information in grey.)

Step 3: After entering the new information, tap "Update" to save.

Edit Your Practice Info

Step 1: Tap "Practice Info"

Step 2: Tap the information you wish to change.(Note: you cannot change any information in grey.)

Step 3: After entering or selecting the new information, tap "Update" to save.

Add and Edit Your Secure Emails

A secure email is an email where reports can be securely sent to. See Provider Reports for more details.

Step 1: Tap "Secure Emails"

Step 2: Tap the box to type in a new or edit an email.

Step 3: Tap "Update" to save and return to the Profile page.

Add and Edit Your Pricing

Step 1: Tap "Pricing"

Step 2: If you want different rates dependent upon a new or established patient, tap "By Type." If you want your rate based on the time slot, tap "Same interval for All Appointment".

Step 3: Enter the amount you want to set your pricing to.

By Type

If you selected “Same interval for all appointment”, select the interval of time you would like to charge by (15min or 30 min).

Same Interval for All Appointment

Step 4: If you allow patients to pay with insurance, tap "Yes" next to "Insurance Pay". Otherwise tap "No".

Step 5: Tap "Update" to save and return to the Profile page.

Add and Edit Your Availability

Tap ‘My Availability’

If you are going on vacation or will be unavailable during a certain date range, tap ‘+Add Date Slot’.

Step 1: To enter a date, tap the box and use the pop-up to scroll to the specific date.

Step 2: Tap ‘Add’ when finished with both dates.

To enter your availability:

Step 1: Tap the weekday.

Step 2: If the time zone is incorrect, tap it to change it.

Step 3: Tap ‘+Add Time Slot’.

Step 4: You will be prompted to add the start time and end time of the time slot. Please note, you can only add one continuous time-slot per day.

Step 5: Tap ‘Add’ to save the time slot.

Step 6: Repeat this process for all days in your schedule. If your time slots are the same for multiple days, tap the day then tap “Copy From” instead of “Add Time Slot” and select the day with the same time.

Add and Edit Your Cancelation Policy

Tap "Cancelation Policy”.

If you do not want a Cancelation Policy, tap "No" and tap "Continue" to save. If you want a Cancelation Policy, tap "Yes".

"Hours Before" refers to the minimum amount of hours a patient should let you know before they are charged the cancelation fee. Tap to select one of the time options.

"Late Cancellation Fee" refers to the fee itself being charged to the patient. Tap to enter a fee amount.

To preview the message that patients will see if they cancel an appointment, tap ‘Policy Preview’.

Tap "Continue" to save the Cancelation Policy.

Customizing your Waiting Room

Tap "Customize Waiting Room”

Step 1: Tap "Change" to upload a Waiting Room logo. This will an image that the Patient sees while waiting.

Step 2: Under Pre-Visit Instructions, tap the box to start typing instructions for the Patient to see.

Step 3: To see everything that the patient will see, tap “Waiting Room Preview.”

Step 4: Tap the back arrow on the upper left corner to return to the previous screen. If everything looked good, tap "Update" to save and return to the profile screen.